Artificial intelligence is the ability to gather information from the past, discover patterns, and predict the future. But what is the difference between artificial intelligence and natural intelligence.
Natural intelligence is distinct. It has the capacity to create, organize, and, when something becomes disorganized, it can reorganize, recreate, and regenerate.
Natural intelligence arises from a silent mind—a mind that is not enslaved by fear, lust, anger, hate, desires, or similar influences. Natural intelligence comes from consciousness—free consciousness. It is impossible for an enslaved consciousness to be truly intelligent. An enslaved consciousness simply expresses what the force that enslaves it dictates. For example, if consciousness is enslaved by hate, then hate dictates what it does, feels, and thinks. The same applies to other elements, like pride, laziness, and so on.
Only free consciousness can express true intelligence. Only free consciousness can create, recreate, and regenerate. To achieve this freedom, we must dissolve these unwanted elements through meditation and by appealing to the Divine Mother. Only then can we become free.
We must remember how our body was created. Our body was created through love—the union of two people, male and female. This union initiated the multiplication of cells, the creation of organs, bones, and systems, and their organization. Creation and organization are characteristics of intelligence. But where does this intelligence come from?
Kabbalists call this source of intelligence Binah, and Christians refer to it as the Holy Spirit. This sphere or region of intelligence is connected to our sexual glands and our sexual energy. All natural intelligence arises from this energy, this creative energy, which has the power to create a baby’s body—complete with the intelligence to grow, communicate, interact, learn, and love.
Love is the continuation of this energy. Love is the force that emerges from this creative energy, enabling it to expand and reach regions that are almost undiscovered.
Love can generate and regenerate; love is natural intelligence. However, it can only be attained when we are free—free from fear and the influences of the past or the future. This powerful force can only appear in a silent mind—a mind with transmuted sexual energy, a pure vibration of that energy, where the pure love resides. Words carried by this vibration have the power to create something entirely new. With this vibration of love, we can become the image and likeness of God, for we can truly create—bringing forth new things, new patterns, and ideas that were impossible to predict because they are new, sacred, and divine.